Autumn... a season of change and renewal. A time where all dead things are to be let go, allowing for new growth to take place. As nature experiences release, we will accept this fate as well as we face new beginnings and new obstacles start to appear in our lives. Autumn welcomes routine and productivity all while encouraging rest and comfort. It reminds us of the balance we must keep in our lives between busy and relaxed.
Now, as the crisp cool air starts to fill the outdoors, I encourage you to find a cozy spot in your home, take out your journal and let your mind experience rest and release.
Journaling prompts for Autumn: Renewal & release
☆I have never felt so ... in my life
☆Right now I am looking forward to ...
☆If I had to loose 3 items I own they would be ...
☆If I had to let go of 3 things in my life they would be ...
*Ex: People, jobs, hobbies, worries, flaws
☆Dear ..., I am writing to you to apologize ...
* Feel free to apologize to yourself if needed
☆This month I am most grateful for ...
☆If I were I character in a story I think readers would ... because ...
*Ex: Love me, think I was funny, not like me, find me interesting
☆The biggest change I am planning on making this season is ...
☆If height was determined by your sense of self worth I would be ... inches tall
☆If your intelligence improved every time you thought something positive and diminished every time you thought something negative I would be ...
*Ex: Very intelligent, not intelligent, in between
☆My biggest regret is ...
☆My life would be perfect is I could wake up every morning and ...
*Ex: not have to work, spend time with my family
☆If money could buy happiness the purchase that would make me the happiest person alive would be ...
☆The thing/person that brings me the most comfort when I am stressed is ...
☆If I could sleep for as long as I wanted, I would need to sleep for ... to not be tired anymore
*Journal about what changes you now need to make it your life to not feel so tired or burnt out
I hope theses prompts give you some motivation to journal this autumn. I suggest using 1 prompt per entry and eliminating all self judgement when you choose to transfer your thoughts from mind to paper.
Please let me know if you would like more prompts for this season and I will be happy to make another post about it.
-- Sarah