Stationery is definitely not what it used to be. Journals, cards, pens, notepads and even sticky notes are now all so beautiful, each individual item being a piece of art of it's own. As wonderful as it is having so many options, it can be hard to choose which journal is right for you, especially since you not only want something that will hold up for the time you use it but also that has all the features you want. The problem is, if you either haven't journaled in a while or never before how are you supposed to know what elements are essential for you and which you can live without. Thankfully, i'v purchased my fair share of journals and will give you the breakdown of different things you may want to consider before purchasing this book.
1. The contents:
The very first thing you may want to consider is the contents of your book. Lined pages are perfect if you are starting out or simply love to write. You also have the option of choosing dot grid which gives you the freedom to write but also to experiment with doodles and images. Finally, if you love to draw I highly recommend you get a blank page notebook. Journals are an outlet for self expression, which means art is never out of the question.
2. The cover:
The cover should be something you love as you will hopefully use this journal for a while. Find something that really sparks joy as this will keep you motivated to use the journal. If there is nothing in stores that suit you, there are lots of notebooks/ journals with brown craft paper covers that are easily customizable.
When looking at covers you should also consider if it's soft cover or hardcover. Hardcovers are more durable which means if you plan on taking your journal out with you this may be the better option. I also like hardcover as I like to add things to the inside covers of my journal such as pictures and illustrations. This being said, soft covers are nice as they usually lie flat which makes writing much easier.
3. The binding:
For journals there are two main types of binding. There are coiled notebooks and those that are held together like a book. I prefer bookbinding as it makes me think of my journal as my book, and the contents of it as my story. I've also noticed that when you write, the coil may get in the way of your hand so beware of this if this is the type of journal you choose.
4. The size:
The bigger and more journal pages there are, the more daunting this process may seem. Smaller pages and overall size of the book may be less intimidating as the journal won't last for as long and you won't have to write as much everyday to fill a page.
5. Other things to consider:
- If the journal comes with an elastic to keep it all together and avoid pages from ripping when you travel with it.
- Ribbon bookmarks that allow you to mark certain spots.
- Page numbers which allow you to have an index and keep track of certain entries or days you want to remember.
I hope this information is of use to you and allows you to choose a book that will truly inspire you to write and create everyday.
-- Sarah