I once heard that when you think of a past event in your life, this memory is really of the last time your recalled it and not the actual event itself, therefore our perception of past is completely distorted. This completely through me off guard as anything you think you've experienced possibly happened in a different way you are now led to believe.
Whether this is scientifically proven or some made up fact originating from Instagram, it's no secret we will not have access to the memory of every single thing that has taken place in our lives. Whether it's the important moments or the less relevant times in life, I am sure we are all somewhat interested in our thoughts and emotions during various points in time.
As someone who has been keeping a journal for over a year now, I can guarantee that there is no greater feeling that reminiscing over times that once meant so much to you, now having no place in your conscious memory. Being able to not only recall how wonderful the event was, but to know exactly how you were feeling, why it had such a big impact on you and possibly how it affected the person you are today.
Of course traditional journaling is the simplest way to keep track of the days moment, bullet journaling also has it's place in memory keeping.
Traditional journaling is simply writing out the days events in a somewhat chronological order and explaining how you felt about each one.
→The first way you can use your bullet journal to memory keep is by writing letters to your futur self. Dedicate one page and address it to either "My futur self" or your name and the year you wish to read the letter. Write about what you hope to have accomplished by this time and what big events have happened in the past year that have impacted you. This letter will really sum up who you are as a person now and what you hope to be as a person then. Write a letter each time you start a new bullet journal and be sure to date it as I assure you in 10 years when you look back at it, you will be curious to know.
→The next way you can use your journal as a record of the past it to interview yourself or a friend. Write out questions that can be answered with one word or short phrase and leave a line underneath for the answer. If you choose to interview a friend, you will surely get to know that person better in the present moment, as well as have an idea of who he/she was when the both of you were younger.
You can also answer the questions yourself and make a habit of doing this every time you start a new journal to see how your answers change over the years.
→The next suggestion is to include pictures. This method of memory keeping will definitely bulk up your journal, however it is truly a nice way to store all your wonderful memories. There are many spread ideas on pinterest showing you ways to display pictures in your bullet journal, my personal favourite being drawing a border around them like a polaroid.
→Finally, every month make a monthly recap page that displays doodles of your favourite events, songs you listened to on repeat, the books you chose to read this month and overall just your favourite parts of the past 30-31 days. If you stick to doing this every month, at the end of the year you will be left with 12 beautiful spreads that together make up a scrapbook of your life.
~Whichever way you choose to memory keep, I truly hope the days you live are worth keeping account of. ~